
HyperImage consortium consists of partners with complementary background know-how in order to achieve challenging goals of the project. The consortium is led by the Fraunhofer IWS.
Let us present our consortium partners:

Fraunhofer IWS

Project coordinator and system integrator
Technical assessment of spectral imaging systems and components
Machine learning and normalization algorithms for spectral image data
Platform implementation of algorithms and measurement software

Alexander Kabardiadi-Virkovski

Jonas Golde


Technical Specifications
Ground Truth labeling
Spectral data pre-processing/ cloud based storage
Characterization and environmental testing
Plant Growth Monitoring in Vertical Farm
Phenotypical traits and stress/ crop nutrition

Joseph Peller

Tim van Daalen

Gerrit Polder

HySpex - NEO

Develop hyperspectral cameras, or addons to hyperspectral cameras, based on technology from Optotune.
Super resolution SWIR imaging spectrometer
Variable working distance closeup lens, maintaining the low misregistration in a pushbroom imager
“2D scanning” pushbroom system and Mirror working as gimbal for optical axis.

Stephane Nicolas


Development of specific and customized multispectral cameras for the VIS/NIR and the SWIR spectral domains.

Reduction of the pixel size of the multispectral filters 

Vicent Sauget

Stéphane Tisserand


Concept & Architecture: Designing the cloud platform’s structure and functionality
Backend Development: Creating the core system for processing and analyzing spectral data
Frontend Development: Developing the user interface for easy and efficient user interaction
Platform Integration: Supporting the design, development and testing of the appropriate connectors, producers and consumers with support of the other partners
Platform Management: Ensuring platform deployment, scalability, security, and ongoing operation

Added value: elevate the project’s capacity to handle and analyze spectral imaging data, leading to more effective and efficient project execution.


System integrator of newly developed components (optics, lighting components, spectral imagers/cameras)
System solution builder for Infineon Bipolar, Warstein
Digital platform end user for cloud-based spectral image analysis
Commercialisation and industrial business cases

Phillip Wollmann

Steven Melcher


Industrial partner
erify hyper imaging inspection from DIVE under production environment
Prediction of void formation in the soldering process by delivering a tabletop multipurpose spectral imaging device for automated quality control enabling 16s inspection time including whole surface scanning (10x5cm²) and spot analysis (1x1cm² with 5µm spatial resolution).

Peter Nölting



Design and manufacture of autonomous mobile robots.
Industrial use case: set up of an outdoor and off road test environment for Advanced Autonomous Driving


Support Preparation of Market Relevant Technology Specification Sheets
Innovation and Results Management
– Support partners in identifying exploitable results and prepare exploitation plans
– value chain co-creation and facilitation of commercial exploitation
– Business models for HyperImage Results
Coordinate IPR management
Disseminate HyperImage Results though the KETMarket Marketplace and the EU Open Innovation Test Bed Network
Support business model of HyperImage Spectral Imaging Analysis Platform

John Fahlteich

André Wahl


We will build a line illumination system using our emitter chips.
We will move our current single chip packaging to wafer level packaging.
Look at how to increase operating time to >5000 hours (currently several 100’s of hours).

Ross Stanley

Nora Benei


Development of SWIR adaptive optics for use in hyper- and multi- spectral cameras
Tunable lenses for ultrafast focusing
Fast-steering mirrors for field-of-view expansion
Beam shifters for higher resolution

Daniele Ghedalia

Mark Ventura


– Ensure smooth course of the project from management perspective
– Promote project outputs in the best and most targeted way
– Establish close cooperation with partners who are top performers in their respective fields

Support in project and financial management process (Coordinator & Partners)
– Templates, reporting, organization of meetings, file repository, ad-hoc consultations

Dissemination & Communication activities

Exploitation activities & IPR

Marina de Souza Faria

Project Manager

Marika Kurova

Program Manager - Deep Tech Program